Look, a Book! is an adventurous arts program where children work as a group to create a book. Choo Choo the Magic Train is the first creation of the Look, a Book! program. It was facilitated by myself, Jasmine Powell, of silentrevolution, and my husband, Lachlan Plain, of Sanctum Theatre. It was held in our studio, Sanctum Studio, in Greensborough.
Seven families with children aged between four and six years old who attend Kalparrin services participated. Workshops were held in the winter school holidays of 2019.
The children used a range of mediums, including charcoal, texta, paint and clay, to dream up and create their images that they then put their words to. Physical exercises and games were also used to warm up their bodies and turn on their brains! Parents and older siblings supported the arts process and were integral to the success of the program. Lachlan designed the book as a whole, giving shape to a story that naturally unfolded once the central theme of the train was selected from one child’s interest, which the others were keen to adopt and explore. Each family were given copies of the book to keep and give to their family, friends, kindergarten and school.
My interest in creating this program was to celebrate the relationship between children and their parents and to create a physical treasure by which to remember this special time in their lives. Acknowledged as authors and artists, I hope the children continue their journey as creators with as much interest and enthusiasm as they gave this program. Choo Choo!
Jasmine Powell, 2019